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Remote Learning Days

In February, CDS administrators had been watching closely the quickly-changing situation with COVID-19, so when it became necessary, the school was ready to shift swiftly to a different approach to learning in order to maintain our standard of excellence in education. By mid-March, our faculty and administration met over several days, working tirelessly to prepare materials for our Remote Learning Plan, which was promptly posted to the LMS. The plan was activated with students on Thursday and Friday before Spring Break.

Ready to adapt to changing circumstances, everyone at Charleston Day School pulled together to provide families with the tools and materials necessary to implement Remote Learning. Students were sent home with either a laptop or an iPad, depending on the grade level, to assist in online learning. And students and families responded! Zoom classes filled up daily with smiling children and eager teachers. Videos from teachers and the Head of School let students know how much they were missed. Although “staying home” became necessary for all, unexpected opportunities arose to display flexibility and do things differently such as practicing spelling on the sidewalk with chalk, drawing rooms in linear perspective in sketchbooks and going outside to practice Coach’s exercises.

We continue to refine our Remote Learning plans. For example, Zoom meetings were added in the lower grades and Advisory was added in the upper grades. Our goal is to deliver meaningful instruction while maintaining and promoting strong and resilient connections between students, peers and teachers. As we move forward, we will continually assess how the remote curriculum is delivered and make adjustments and improvements accordingly.

We are a couple weeks into “the new normal” at Charleston Day School, and we remain committed to partnering with our families to continue to provide not only an exemplary education, but a sense of community and connection. At CDS, our gates never close to learning! Enjoy just a few photos below from our recent remote learning days. You may also view some recent videos on our YouTube channel.

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