Charleston Day School


Welcome to Charleston Day School. We’re delighted to introduce you to our warm and welcoming campus located in the heart of historic Charleston, South Carolina, where students in kindergarten through grade 8 are challenged, inspired, and engaged each day.


Lower School
Grades K-5

Fostering a love for learning, the desire to excel, and the value of goal setting and responsibility are paramount to the lower school program.

Middle School
Grades 6-8

Because middle school students are the oldest members on campus, middle school students focus on the younger students, not high school concerns. 


Lower School Grades K-5

Fostering a love for learning, the desire to excel, and the value of goal setting and responsibility are paramount to the lower school program.

Middle School Grades 6-8

Because middle school students are the oldest members on campus, middle school students focus on the younger students, not high school concerns. They serve as role models for the younger children, and that realization imbues them with a sense of purpose and responsibility.

Why a K-8 School?

Our K-8 grade structure offers many advantages for students. Although opportunities to develop leadership skills are available in any grade, it is the older grades where there is an emphasis on taking responsibility and stepping into a mentor role for our younger students. Students can be members of our Student Council, run for red or blue team captain, or act as a role model to a ‘Little” in the younger grades. 

Two important beliefs are at the heart of our teaching philosophy: social emotional development is inextricably linked with academic achievement, and experiential learning creates a foundation for deeper understanding.

Charleston Day School maintains high academic standards while addressing each student’s individual learning styles and interests. As a result, a graduate is self-aware with the skills necessary for high school. 

A CDS graduate is advanced academically, particularly in the subjects of math, language arts, and world language. CDS students have presence, look you in the eye, and shake your hand. They are adept at speaking to a variety of audiences or individuals, and they are leaders and role models who are contributing members to their community.

Why a K-8 School?

Leadership Skills

Our K-8 grade structure offers many advantages for students. Although opportunities to develop leadership skills are available in any grade, it is the older grades where there is an emphasis on taking responsibility and stepping into a mentor role for our younger students. Students can be members of our Student Council, run for red or blue team captain, or act as a role model to a ‘Little” in the younger grades. 

Two important beliefs are at the heart of our teaching philosophy: social emotional development is inextricably linked with academic achievement, and experiential learning creates a foundation for deeper understanding.

Charleston Day School maintains high academic standards while addressing each student’s individual learning styles and interests. As a result, a graduate is self-aware with the skills necessary for high school. 

A CDS graduate is advanced academically, particularly in the subjects of math, language arts, and world language. CDS students have presence, look you in the eye, and shake your hand. They are adept at speaking to a variety of audiences or individuals, and they are leaders and role models who are contributing members to their community.

Interested in attending?

Charleston Day School | Mosaic Art in the Hallway

Attend an Open House

We hope you will join us for one of our Open Houses, “The CDS Experience”. We offer several dates throughout the fall. During an Open House event you will hear from our Head of School, Director of Enrollment, and have the chance to speak to a panel of students about their CDS experience!

Charleston Day School Front Gate

Take a Tour

We invite you to come see us at 15 Archdale Street. During your visit you will get to know our teachers and students as we walk the halls and see them in action. You will find Charleston Day to be a welcoming, engaging and energizing environment! 

Charleston Day School Admission Tour

Apply Now

Are you ready to apply? Click the link below to begin the application process.

Interested in Attending?

Charleston Day School | Mosaic Art in the Hallway

Attend an Open House

We hope you will join us for one of our Open Houses, “The CDS Experience”. We offer several dates throughout the fall. During an Open House event you will hear from our Head of School, Director of Enrollment, and have the chance to speak to a panel of students about their CDS experience!

Charleston Day School Front Gate

Take a Tour

We invite you to come see us at 15 Archdale Street. During your visit you will get to know our teachers and students as we walk the halls and see them in action. You will find Charleston Day to be a welcoming, engaging and energizing environment! 

Charleston Day School Admission Tour

Apply Now

Are you ready to apply? Click the link below to begin the application process.

I have been impressed with my children’s public speaking skills and their readiness to tackle high school after finishing the CDS program... I have had several teachers at my child’s high school comment on his excellent writing and study skills.
- Former Parent
Something I like about my teachers is they are caring and ask individual questions because it is a small student body.
- 7th Grade Student
One thing I would tell younger students is to always try because you will get there! You will feel more confident and brighter.
- 4th Grade Student
I love Field Day because all the students work together.
- 2nd Grade Student
I appreciate our accessibility to downtown and doing walking field trips. There is so much to learn from our immediate environment.
- Carrie Davis, 3rd Grade Teacher
I love to see older students mix with younger students at assembly. The whole community is together, and we really do all know each other. Weekly assembly captures so many things about what makes CDS great.
- Caitlin Tobin, Director of Marketing and Communications