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Alumni Spotlight


Academic Magnet Sophomore Mason Leath

Meet our Alumni

Mason Leath, speaks on his transition to high school, political aspirations

Alumni Spotlight is an occasional series where we catch up with Charleston Day graduates. Nominate an alumni to be featured email us here. Read other Alumni Spotlights.

What advice would you give an 8th grader about choosing a high
Alumni Leath
Mason Leath, CDS Class of 2016

I would tell any prospective students to visit the high schools they would like to attend and see if they connect with the students and teachers there. If you do not see yourself making friends and being happy, you should consider other options until you find the right fit. It’s very similar to picking a college, and I would love to talk to anyone who wants to hear about Magnet.

What was the hardest part about going from middle school to high school? Easiest part?

Personally, the hardest part of my high school transition was adjusting to the new size of my grade. At Charleston Day, my class was less than thirty students, and at Magnet my grade has 170 kids. This prospect seems very daunting, but it helps to remember that everyone is in the same boat as you and is just as nervous. The easiest part of starting high school for me was learning how to balance my work, while keeping on top of my extracurriculars. My years at Charleston Day really showed me how to manage my time and be efficient.

Is there any area of high school in which you felt particularly prepared — either academically or socially?

I have found that Charleston Day is probably the best school anyone can attend before beginning high school in the Charleston area. I was ahead of my peers in terms of organization and work ethic.

Are you doing any extracurricular activities in high school? Which ones and did you do them while at CDS too?

The extracurriculars I am focusing on right now at Magnet are student council and sailing. I did student council at Charleston Day, and I am glad I have been able to continue this activity freshman and now sophomore year. Sailing is something I picked up after CDS, but AMHS has a good team that I enjoy being a part of.

Any thoughts for the future? College or career goals?

After high school, I see myself studying economics and public affairs at a top tier university before getting my doctorate at a English university and moving to New York to begin a career in finance. After making my living, I would love to return to Charleston to have a family and begin a senatorial campaign to launch myself into the American political scene.

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