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Digital Artistry

This year, the seventh and eighth grades are learning to use Adobe Photoshop in art class. With all of the changes brought about by COVID, CDS saw the unique opportunity to to do something a little different. The students have worked hard over the past couple years to master art and design fundamentals in preparation for this advanced tool. Adobe Photoshop is the industry standard for professional photographers and designers. The skills these students are developing now in middle school will help distinguish them in our digital world in the future.

The student artists have learned much this year already, from understanding file sizes and types, creating layers, adding filters, using symmetry tools as well as working with paintbrushes and gradients. Although there are many technical aspects to digital design, it is also a powerful tool for making art and adding beauty to the world. Recently, the seventh and eighth graders completed digital landscape “paintings” that brought all of these skills together, along with traditional observational drawing skills and color matching. It’s exciting to see our students expand their creative toolboxes!

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