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Mission Possible: Day of Service

Dinner Discussion Starters

Our goal: Inspire Charleston Day students to serve others by introducing them to community leaders who live the tenets of our Mission: Scholarship, Integrity, Respect, and Responsibility.

Former Mayor Joe Riley

When asked what was his secret for bringing people with different views together . . . Riley said:

1. Really listen to people and

2. Never think you’re smarter than somebody else.



What do you think makes a great leader?

Here is what he said about the proudest moment of his career. 


Cyclist, Philanthropist, 13-year-old Scotty Parker

When he was 7-years-old, Scotty Parker saw photos of children who only had dirty water to drink. For his next birthday, he asked for money for Water Mission instead of presents. This summer, at the age of 13, he will ride across the US to raise $500,000 for Water Mission. When an 8th grader asked him what motivates him, he said he imagines what it would be like if he or one of his friends did not have access to water for drinking or flushing the toilet.



Could you imagine biking for 52 days? What would be worth that sacrifice to you?

Learn more about Scotty’s Ride.


South Carolina Aquarium

Need extra motivation to remember to use reusable grocery bags instead of plastic ones? Ask your child what was found in the stomachs of turtles brought into the sea turtle hospital. That’s right . . . plastic.

Whether you use canvas bags for groceries or be careful not to leave behind toys at the beach, you can help keep turtles out of danger.



How could you help reduce plastic in your day-to-day life?

Center for the Birds of Prey

Did you know that a banana peel or an apple core thrown out the window creates a life-threatening hazard for birds of prey? The food will attract animals to the side of the road, and raptors will follow. When the birds attempt to catch the animals, they risk being hit by a car.



How could you minimize the danger to birds caused by cars?

Palmetto Warrior Connection

Leaving the military is a huge transition, and Palmetto Warrior Connection aims to help with services such as housing, education, employment, and more.



How can we help support and show respect to veterans?

Sea Island Habitat

Students will decorate beams in Character class in the coming weeks. These beams will be used in the construction of houses for the Women Build event. Students were asked to draw images or words that represent what their home means to them.



What should the students draw on the beams?

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