HomeCommunityNewsCharleston Day First Day of School



Charleston Day First Day of School

Charleston Day opened the first day of the school year by gathering the whole school in the parking lot to raise the American flag and sing the National Anthem. “Saying the pledge was my favorite part of the week. It was nice for our country,” commented a 1st grader.

CDS First Day Traditions

Charleston Day flag raising

In keeping with CDS tradition, Will, Class of 2025, the banner bearer from our spring, 2024 graduation ceremony had the honor of raising the flag. The banner bearer is chosen by the faculty and exemplifies the school mission both on and off campus.

Ms. Beachley, our Interim Head of School, encouraged the K-8 student body to make this year amazing. “Let’s all commit to showing up, putting forth our very best effort, being kind, and recognizing that every single person in our community matters. If you see someone falling behind, walk beside them. If you see someone standing to the side, include them. Every small act of kindness makes a positive difference.”

Earlier that morning, Ms. Beachley greeted students with a handshake during carpool. All students receive a personal greeting every day when they arrive on campus. This helps set the tone for the close community we strive to provide.

This year’s student body of 245 includes 34 new students. Our students represent more than a dozen zip codes locally. In addition, we have new families who have recently moved here from Ohio and New York.

Charleston Day first day of school

During the first few days, students participate in activities to get to know each other better and set classroom expectations. Some favorite moments from the first week included meeting new teachers, seeing friends, and walking to different classes. In the classrooms, students played community building games, freshened skills in preparation for this year’s new material, and practiced routines.

These first few days of school provide a foundation for all the new skills and knowledge students will learn this year!

To learn about more of our CDS traditions, CLICK HERE.

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