HomeCommunityNewsStudent Council Leaders 2023-24



Student Council Leaders 2023-24

At a recent weekly Assembly, Ms. Clare, Student Council advisor, installed the Student Council officers and representatives for the 2023-24 school year. As students made their pledge to serve their classmates, Ms. Clare reminded the group that “their responsibilities include representing Charleston Day as thoughtful, intelligent, and fair Student Council leaders.”

Charleston Day Student Council leaders

To reinforce what the Student Council members will do this year, newly elected 8th grade class president took the opportunity to share his thoughts on what it means to be a leader. Wills reflected that anyone can be a leader and provided examples of choices all of us can make each day.

5 Ways You Can be a Leader

  1. Include people you don’t normally hang out with
  2. Be respectful to teachers and classmates
  3. Stand up for others even when it may be the hard thing to do
  4. Recognize the contributions of the people around you
  5. Do the right thing without being asked or when no one is watching (also known as integrity)

Charleston Day Student Council leadersStudent Government had their first meeting on September 13. During the meeting, the group brainstormed an activity list for the school year with ideas that will generate excitement among the student body, encourage school spirit, and make a positive impact on both our CDS community and the Charleston community.

Past community activities include service projects like last year’s winter coat drive to benefit the One Warm Coat organization. Another way the Student Council leaders encourage the school community is by writing and presenting weekly “public service announcements”. The PSAs focus on actions students can take that help our school family connect and demonstrate respect for classmates and teachers. Another job our Student Council has tackled in past years is sharing morning announcements through the school PA system with general school news.

There are 27 members of the student organization this year and their faculty advisors are Ms. Clare and Mrs. Tobin. Grades 4 through 7 elect a class president and 4 team captains. Our oldest students in grade 8 elect a class president, vice president, a secretary/treasurer, and 4 team captains. We are looking forward to seeing the contributions of this year’s Student Council. Congratulations to our newly elected Student Council Officers and Red and Blue Team Captains!

To read more about leadership in our middle school, visit THIS PAGE.

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